Btangor In News

Monday, October 09, 2006

Shopping Raya

There are 2 weeks left for we, muslim to celebrate our Hari Raya Aidilfitri. And i saw most of the peoples was busy shopping to prepare for the special day. The streets getting crowded with cars, and the 'kedai kain' is getting crowded with women. Some of them getting ready to make or order their husband's or boyfriend's baju melayu, and their own baju kurung or kebaya for Hari Raya. Normally, they usually make at least 3 baju kurung or baju kebaya. Is it necessary? Well, i think it's pretty necessary bcoz it's lovely if we could watch them in various colours.

Well, while i'm waiting for my Ummi to get some of the 'kain' at Daesim, we wait her at the side of the road. We saw some cars has been fined by a traffic officer because parking in restricted area before we got tossed by him also hehe ^.^ How much it can be? RM 150?

* my streamyx having problems for a couple of days... Streamyx must upgrade their service ^.`


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